Amazon Web Services
No other consultancy worldwide has the background we have.
Why AWS?
The universal applicability of the AWS Cloud's many services is what makes it generally applicable to most digital workloads.
And while its service offerings expand, the existing ones are continuously refined and improved, coupled with numerous pricing decreases over time.
The availability of cloud platform managed services of common components in a digital stack means that the individual operational overhead, which is often filled by large amounts of human labour, helps reduce your Total Cost of Operation.
Why us?
Our team have the deepest experience in the region. We've operated critical government and commercial systems, with improved availability and significantly reduced TCO (in the order to 1000x).
Moreover, we're pragmatic, innovative, and helping defend the digital lifeblood of the organisations we work with.
- Longest AWS-certified person in the world (Jan 2013-present).
- AWS Certification Subject Matter Expert (we write the certification exams)
- Former AWS Security Solution Architect for all of Australia & New Zealand on staff, who:
- Introduced Docker to AWS compute team
- Introduced MariaDB to AWS RDS
- Kicked off AWS looking at the Australian iRAP certification
- Helped launch the Australian region
- Write the original Storage Gateway Bootcamp training as delivered at re:Invent 2014
- Delivered all AWS training in Perth and Adelaide for several years
VM-based Services
Our team helped build the Debian GNU/Linux distibution, the basis of Ubuntu and more. We've also run some of the largest fleets of Internet advertising servers, photo archives for the largest camera manufacturers, sharetrading platforms and more. That brings us great insight and experience at running web-scale applications.
That doesn't preclude a depth of knowledge around Microsoft Server operating system deployed applications.
The EC2 environment is incredible flexible, and perfect for pretty much any application that is delivered in executable binary format (eg, Commercial Off The Shelf software)
If you've discovered AutoScale, or wondering about DevOps on cloud, engage us to come and set up your delivery pipelines
Got source code? Bespoke solution? Integration?
We've been running Serverless applications for years. With a massively reduced cost of operation, your TCO almost becomes just the labour cost to impement.
Let's get started with a sample Serverless functional demonstration: drop us an email and we can chat about what you're looking to implement, obligation free.
Cloud Security
We don't operate without considering security at every step of the way.
The uplift to end-to-end encrypted commuincations, secure credential management, application architecture; we're here to help.
We can help migrate your organisation's authoritative DNS from other services, to Amazon Route53, the highly scalable, ultra reliable managed DNS platform from AWS.
Why use Route53
Of all the AWS services, this one comes with a rock solid Service Level Agreement (SLA) of 100%. It's extremely well engineered, and ready for high volume.
Historical DNS server implementations were generally two servers to afford some resillience: Route53 offers your four seperate IP addresses; but these four service addresses are BGP announced from multiple locations worldwide. The capacity to have DNS correctly resolving, at scale, is massively increased in speed & reliability — and decreased in latency.
We've previously seen corresponding increases in web traffic due to better performing DNS. Historically, when DNS fails, service operators get no notification from the clients on the Internet (but ask us how we now know this now, with NEL capability in modern browsers).
Ask us how we can transition your DNS domains to Route53.
AWS Well-Architected Review
Already have a deployed workload? Not sure if its still optimised? A Well-Architected Review is a short and cost effective way to get experienced eyes to review everything about the workload, from APIs, to Costs, Security, and more.
With a half day discussion with you, and armed with some metrics from your AWS environment, we'll determine the biggest issues you face, how to remediate them, and the priority order to approach this list.
What's more, we'll spend one day with you addressing the top High Risk Items identified.
Let's get started with a Well Architected Review: drop us an email requesting a quote and we'll get started on saving you some money on your AWS bill.